{ "@context" : "http://schema.org", "@type" : "Product" ,"aggregateRating": { "@type" : "AggregateRating", "bestRating": "5", "ratingValue" : "3.8571", "reviewCount" : "7", "worstRating" : 1 }, "review": [ { "@type":"Review", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Tom Puskar" }, "datePublished" : "2024-02-25", "description" : "", "reviewRating": { "@type": "Rating", "bestRating" : "5", "ratingValue" : "3", "worstRating" : "1" }, "reviewBody": "I've been making and selling Ulu knives for close to 10 years. Probably made over 50 of them. I get the blades from two different suppliers. I bought 10 of these when they were on sale since they were a few bucks cheaper than my suppliers. NOT WORTH THE SAVINGS! the blades themselves are a bit chintzier than my current suppliers but all in all are OK. The instructions and rivets are absurd! They are so small I couldn't even hold them and the hole making requires more precision than a Swiss watch! I'll be using traditional knife making procedures and pinning them with brass or nickel rods which will put the cost about the same as my current supplier. Doubt if I'll buy them again.\n" } , { "@type":"Review", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "GM from GAINESVILLE" }, "datePublished" : "2021-11-16", "description" : "", "reviewRating": { "@type": "Rating", "bestRating" : "5", "ratingValue" : "3", "worstRating" : "1" }, "reviewBody": "I'm a bit disappointed with these kits. I bought several to make as gifts and because I wanted one for myself. Since I now have a brand new CNC, it was a perfect time to try out assembly line procedures to make the handles. In some respects it worked very well - shaping the outside of the scales went well, and the positioning of the holes in the tangs was perfectly consistent so that having a CNC machine make the holes in the scales went well. But making the mortises for the tangs of the blade required hand work each time. I had to refine the depth and width of the hollow in each scale, because the tangs weren't quite perfectly uniform in thickness or width. This is ONLY a problem if you use something like CNC to make the mortises. If you make a custom handle for each blade by hand, it shouldn't be a problem. The other issue is being able to make a small countersink in the scales for each provided screw-on "rivet". Getting the depth right is fairly critical, because if you go too deep, they won't be able to snug up. In use, there were also some problems. First, even with the not-very-large hands I have, there wasn't a lot of room for my fingers underneath the handle. It's a bit easier to just hold the handle without wrapping my fingers around it. Having the two tangs maybe a half an inch farther apart, AND making them narrower would be a bit more comfortable. Second, I noticed that after only a few uses, there were rust spots along the edge where a drop of water had remained after washing. The rest of the blade is still very sharp, so it's not a huge deal, but it shouldn't be happening. I'm now VERY careful to dry the knife after washing it. I do have to say that this is an unparalleled pizza knife." } ] ,"name" : "Ulu Knife - 440C SS - Unfinished Kit", "image" : "https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0616/1711/1178/files/161198_000_001.jpg?v=1697482488", "sku" : "161198" }